
Thank you for considering BASEcamp as your alternative to the traditional classroom.  

To begin the enrollment process, please start with the screening questions to determine if BASEcamp is a good fit for your family. If your answers to the screening survey indicate that BASEcamp will work for you and your child, please contact the office at 909.985.0991 or Stacy Maizel at Stacy_maizel@mtbaldy.k12.ca.us to express interest and schedule a meeting.  

Once your request has been approved, our office will contact you to complete a Participation Agreement.  The participation agreement outlines the conditions of enrollment in the BASEcamp program.  If your child has an IEP, you will need to schedule an IEP meeting to secure a recommendation for BASEcamp before enrollment can be approved.

At the beginning of the school year or after enrollment during the school year, an orientation meeting will be held to provide you with next steps for online program access and teacher assignment.

Please note: Enrollment in BASEcamp may not be available if the program has reached maximum capacity and/or after the end of the first trimester.  This first trimester end date can be located on the District calendar.